Additional Information


Enhance your TRSs with additional text or images on the “Additional Information” page.

  1. Add Text:
    • Click the “Write” button to open the dialogue box and start typing.
    • Use the formatting options to bold, italicize, align text, and more.
    • When finished, click “Done” to add your text to the PDF page.
    • To edit your text, click the “Write” button again at any time.
  2. Add Images:
    • You can add an image above or below your text.
    • This space is often used for a staff photo, an illustration of benefits, or an additional logo.
    • Standard image types are accepted.

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Still need help?

Please return to TRS Express and submit detailed feedback using the orange "Feedback" button found on the center right hand side of the screen.


Note the button to select a specific element of the app page for which feedback is being provided. Including this in a detailed feedback submission will help us address the issue sooner. Please include your email address so we can verify you as a client and escalate any immediate issues.
