Smart Spreadsheet Data Upload
Once you have reached the Link Data Source module, select “xlsx” for the smart spreadsheet and then click “Download Template” to download the smart spreadsheet template. This file contains multiple sheets, including “Instructions,” “Demographics,” and other TRS-related data tables.
1) Demographics Sheet
Begin by filling in the Demographics sheet with employee details:
- Employee ID is required for each employee.
- If your project includes an opening letter, add First Name and Last Name.
- If your project includes an address page, add First Name, Last Name, Address 1, City, State, and Zip.
- Note: Any employee without a row in the Demographics sheet will not have a PDF created, even if their TRS data is included in the other sheets.
2) Populate TRS Data Sheets
For each TRS-related sheet:
- Do not change the order of sheets or columns. Altering these may cause data inaccuracies in the final PDF.
- Ensure the sheet names match the corresponding table names in TRS Express. Mismatched names will prevent the PDFs from generating correctly.
- Fill in columns with Employee Contributions (labeled with “Employee”) and/or Company Contributions (labeled with “Employer”) as required. Columns with hidden line items will have “(Hidden)” appended; these are required but do not need additional data.
- Optional: Adjust column names if necessary, but be aware that TRS Express may display a warning when uploading. Ensure the renamed columns still hold the correct data.
- To hide specific line items (e.g., blank or zero values), select the “Hide if Blank/Zero” option. Only blank items with both Employee and Employer contributions empty will be hidden.
- If any adjustments have been made to the TRS PDF template since downloading the smart spreadsheet template, please ensure that you download a new smart spreadsheet template or update your existing template sheet names and columns to ensure it is properly reflecting your data configuration.
Accepted Formats
- Use accepted formats for numeric or monetary values, such as 10000, 10,000, 10000.00, $10,000, and $10,000.00. Incorrect formats, such as $100,00.00, will not work correctly.
Once you have filled out the smart spreadsheet, proceed with uploading it and TRS Express will automatically verify the format and data. If there are any errors, you will receive a notification with guidance on fixing them.
- Sheet/Table Name Mismatch: Ensure that sheet names in your spreadsheet align with the table names in TRS Express.
- Column or Format Errors: Double-check that all monetary values follow accepted formats and that no required fields are left blank.
- Warnings on Column Names: If you adjusted column names, confirm they still accurately represent the data.
By following these steps, you’ll be ready to generate accurate, professional Total Rewards Statements for your team in TRS Express.
Still need help?
Please return to TRS Express and submit detailed feedback using the orange "Feedback" button found on the center right hand side of the screen.
Note the button to select a specific element of the app page for which feedback is being provided. Including this in a detailed feedback submission will help us address the issue sooner. Please include your email address so we can verify you as a client and escalate any immediate issues.